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Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. All persons residing at the property must abide by the following:
Valuation - Dutch Expat Consult will consider the Property’s Age, Size, Character, Energy Efficiency, Condition and Location, Quantity, Quality and Condition of any Furniture and Fittings provided to advise the price to Expats
Electronic Documents - Dutch Expat Consult may ask you to sign documents electronically. Electronically and by mail signed contracts are binding.
Viewings - Viewings will be arranged at times that suit you, including Evenings, Weekends and Bank Holidays. Expats will be expected at the office from half an hour to one hour prior to viewings
Referencing - If Expat decides to rent a property through Dutch Expat Consult, every person over the age of 18, who will be resident at the property, must present Copy of ID, work contracts, salary slips or chamber of commerce registration. A guarantor is sometimes required for e.g. students.
Expats Approval on Tenancy Agreement - By signing the Intermediair form Expat or Employer of Expat agree to deal through Dutch Expat Consult and not direct with the owner of the property. Expat or Employer of Expat must not enter into negotiation directly with Landlords. Our agency fee will still be due from Expats should this be the case. By signing the Intermediair form Expat or Employer of Expat agree to have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions of Dutch Expat Consult and the Tenancy Agreement Contract.
Fee and VAT - On 'no-cure, no-pay basis' our agency fee is one month rent excl. VAT. Dutch Expat Consult is obliged to charge 21% Value Added Tax on every invoice. All indicated prices are excluding this VAT. 
Services of Expat Rentalservices - These are the services of Dutch Expat Consult: Advising on Registration and Housing Benefit, inquiries on local Council Tax, getting Legal Aid, assisting with Fee Refunds, free Utility registration, free Internet / Cable registration.
First month Deposit, Rent - Dutch Expat Consult will not be responsible for outstanding first month rent and deposit.
Outstanding Fee
- We cannot allow access to the property unless full payment of our invoice has been received as cleared funds unless otherwise agreed.
Signing Tenancy Agreement - Tenancy agreement will be signed digitally via email or at the office of Dutch Expat Consult if other location has not been agreed. All parties are requested to have a valid ID on them.
Check-in Inventory List and Meter Readings
On the beginning of Tenancy Agreement Dutch Expat Consult will check:
The Tenancy Agreement with Terms and Conditions 
Inventory List
House rules and regulations of the Association of Owners (VVE)
The rented Property with Expats.
Every detail and meter- readings and will save a copy at the office.
Electronic appliances, reading meter, electric system, gas system and water system.
Damages Dutch Expat Consult cannot be held responsible for any defects, damages and insurance matters regarding the rental property.
Inventory Dutch Expat Consult will be present at the check-in to read meters, to assist Expat with the operation of all relevant equipment, appliances not to forget the Inventory List.
Renewal of the Tenancy Agreement - If Expat wishes to renew the Tenancy Agreement, Dutch Expat Consult will assist with extension by landlord. Expat is not obliged to renew the Tenancy Agreement.
Jurisdiction - These terms and conditions form part of the tenancy agreement and shall be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction of each Tenancy Agreement. The High Court in Amsterdam shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action or proceedings in respect of this agreement.​​​
Privacy policy and data protection – We will keep your personal information safe and secure. Occasionally we may contact you by mail, other electronic means or phone to inform you about other services we offer. If you do not wish to receive any information from us simply send an email at with subject "unsubscribe" and we will remove you from our database. Expats and Landlords information which they supply before, during or after the implementation of a tenancy agreement, is treated confidentially.
Entire Agreement and Variations - Dutch Expat Consult intends to rely upon the written terms set out in these terms and conditions.
Amendments - Dutch Expat Consult may charge or add to the terms of this agreement for legal or regulatory reasons. Dutch Expat Consult will notify Expat if any such change will affect the service.
Outstanding fee - Expat and Employer of Dutch Expat Consult agree that, where any Dutch Expat Consult Fee or Commission remains outstanding for more than 28 days after the fee is first demanded, Dutch Expat Consult may charge interest at the annual rate of 2% above the Bank of Netherlands base rate unless other agreed.


Privacy Your privacy is of great importance for Dutch Expat Consult (hereafter: DEC). We would like to inform you via our Privacy Policy about the way we deal with collecting information about the users of our website. By using the website you agree with the following conditions.

What do we collect? You can visit our website anonymously and learn more about DEC. When filling out our registration form We regularly collect information about the users of our website, such as browser type, duration of the visit, used pages, etc. We can not identify you with this information. We also collect IP addresses, but this information will generally not be directly traceable to your identity. Your IP address will only be traceable to the name of your access provider or your company network. We only collect your personal data if you voluntarily provide your e-mail address, for example for receiving our newsletter or for receiving further information. How do we use it? If you provide us with your e-mail address or other (indirectly identifiable) personal data, we will only use this information to send you our newsletter or to answer your questions. If you have indicated that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, your e-mail address will be removed from our database. If a reorganization (in any way) takes place within DEC in the future, it may be necessary for us to transfer your personal data to another organization. We will disclose your personal information if we are reasonable of the opinion that we are obliged to do so on the basis of the relevant law or regulations. With the exception of the foregoing, however, we will not provide your personal data to third parties, for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to direct marketing purposes. Security. Since the online provision of your personal data to DEC is purely voluntary and these data are not particularly sensitive, we do not take any security measures. We do not use special encryption methods. For more information about the communication with DEC and the use of the website, please refer to our Disclaimer. 

Amendments. DEC reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy. These changes will be announced on this website. If you continue to use the website after the adjustment, the adapted Privacy Policy will apply to this use. Questions and updates. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding privacy or if you wish to change the personal data provided to us, please contact us by sending an email to us.


Uw privacy is van groot belang voor Dutch Expat Consult (Hierna: DEC). Graag informeren wij u dan ook via onze Privacy Policy omtrent de wijze waarop wij omgaan met het verzamelen van informatie over de gebruikers van onze website. Door gebruik te maken van de website gaat u akkoord met de volgende voorwaarden.

Wat verzamelen wij? U kunt anoniem onze website bezoeken en op die manier meer over DEC te weten komen. Bij invullen van ons inschrijf formulier Wij verzamelen regelmatig gegevens omtrent de gebruikers van onze website, zoals browser type, duur van het bezoek, gebruikte pagina’s etc.. Met deze gegevens kunnen wij u niet identificeren. Wij verzamelen ook IP adressen, maar ook deze informatie zal in het algemeen niet direct tot uw identiteit herleidbaar zijn. Uw IP adres zal enkel herleidbaar zijn tot de naam van uw acces provider of uw bedrijfsnetwerk. Wij verzamelen enkel uw persoonsgegevens indien u vrijwillig uw e-mailadres verstrekt, bijvoorbeeld voor het ontvangen van onze nieuwsbrief of voor de ontvangst van nadere informatie.

Hoe gebruiken wij het? Indien u ons uw e-mailadres of andere (indirect herleidbare) persoonsgegevens verstrekt, zullen wij deze gegevens enkel gebruiken om uw onze nieuwsbrief te sturen danwel uw vragen te beantwoorden. Indien u heeft aangegeven de nieuwsbrief niet langer te willen ontvangen, wordt uw e-mailadres uit ons bestand verwijderd. Indien in de toekomst binnen DEC een reorganisatie (op welke wijze danook) plaatsvindt, kan het nodig zijn dat wij uw persoonsgegevens moeten overdragen aan een andere organisatie. Wij zullen uw persoonsgegevens openbaar maken indien wij in alle redelijkheid van mening zijn dat we daartoe op grond van de relevante wet of regelgeving verplicht zijn. Met uitzondering van het voorgaande zullen wij uw persoonsgegevens echter niet verstrekken aan derden, voor wat voor een doeleinden dan ook, waaronder, maar niet beperkt tot, direct marketing doeleinden.

Beveiliging. Aangezien de online verstrekking van uw persoonsgegevens aan DEC puur vrijwillig is en deze gegevens ook niet speciaal gevoelig zijn, nemen wij geen maatregelen ter beveiliging. Wij gebruiken geen speciale encryptiemethodes. Voor meer informatie over de communicatie met DEC en het gebruik van de website verwijzen wij u naar onze Disclaimer.

Wijzigingen. DEC behoudt zich het recht voor deze Privacy Policy aan te passen. Deze aanpassingen zullen op deze website bekend worden gemaakt. Indien u na de aanpassing gebruik blijft maken van de website zal de aangepaste Privacy Policy op dit gebruik van toepassing zijn.

Vragen en updates. Indien u vragen of suggesties heeft ten aanzien van de  privacy of indien u de aan ons verstrekte persoonsgegevens wenst aan te passen, kunt u contact met ons opnemen door een mail aan ons te sturen.

Amsterdam 30-12-2022

These Terms and Conditions and the materials on it may not be copied, published, distributed, licensed, reproduced or used in any way without written consent of Dutch Expat
Consult. Unauthorized use of these Terms and Conditions may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense. All matters arising from this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Netherlands whose Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising in connection with this agreement. 

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©2020 by Dutch Expat Consult

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